Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Beyond Vintage Ruffle Detail Tie Front Top (Linked)


Size: M
Material: Silk; Viscose; Voile
Retail: $205
Sale: $20.97

Been looking for pretty tops . . . commentator didn't like the top (said it's oversized, cheap, and sheer), but my gosh, I'm a sucker for white/cream + lace.  Never heard of the brand, so googled and found its sold at Nordies, revolveclothing, shopbop, etc. . . . so it falls under less "mainstream" but still reputable, making it cool. :)

A -- 12/25/10: Yah I do not like puff sleeves at all, but probably just bc they look hideous on me.  I look like one of those trollgirls in makeover movies, except w/o the "after".  (I don't do so well w/round necklines either)  There's some cute stuff on Piperlime from that brand, but nothing so cheapo/amazing that I was moved to post.

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