Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Murder and Mayhem Links 16 July

28 Year Old Babysitter Has Sex With 14 Year Old Boy, Asks Mom's Permission
Idaho babysitter, Summer Nelson was charged with having sex with a 14 year old boy that she was hired to sex with. She told the boy's younger siblings that she was in love with in.
Eighth Person Arrested In Florida Couple's Shooting Death
Florida police arrested Pamela Long Wiggins and charged with accessory after the fact of felony murder in the murder of Byrd and Melanie Billings. They are also searching for someone from the alarm company that was supposed to protect the Billings' home. The DEA has also become involved in the case.

Exchange Students Live American Nightmare
You always have to wonder how well the host families are investigated before exchange students are placed with them. I guess in some cases, not very well. Five exchange students were sent to Scranton, Pennsylvania where they were malnourished and neglected. One student was even placed in the home with a convicted drug felon and other ex-cons. The Aspect Foundation did nothing to help the children when complaints were made, Children and Youth Services finally removed the high school students.

Family Asks County For Damages After 8-Year Daughter Is Arrested
Evelyn Towry (who has Asperger syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder) was arrested after she acted out because she was unable to wear her special jacket in class. Her family is asking the county to pay half a million dollars in damages because the girl was handcuffed and taken to juvenile hall. The Bonner County Prosecutor's Office originally charged Evelyn with battery, but later dropped the charges.

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