Senin, 30 November 2009

Amanda K Photography & Upcoming Giveaway

The amount of photography talent that can be found in Houston is fantastic. The adorable Amanda Kirkwood is no exception. The more of her photos I see, the more convinced I am that we would instantly become best friends upon meeting. She has a sharp eye, a wild sense of humor, and a cat named Piper who is the reluctant subject of many a picture. In addition to fab photos, Amanda also has a crafty side (how we discovered her on etsy at Vintage Poppy), which she will soon be sharing with us! Later on this week she will be giving away one of her treasures, so be sure to check back!

Amanda was kind enough to join us for an interview, which went a little something like this...

How did you choose the name Vintage Poppy?
I'm really not sure how I chose that name. It just popped into my head! I thought it sounded cute and I figured it would cause people to be curious of my shop and what I might offer.

When did you start Vintage Poppy?
I opened my shop in April of 2007.

How did you get into photography?
I've always loved photography. I love the arts in general. When I went to college, I started out in the arts. Photography was one of my big interests but unfortunately couldn't afford the equipment. A few years later after I had graduated {in something not even arts related}, someone saw that I had a talent for it, bought my first camera and other basics on the promise that I would "take it and run with it." I am forever thankful for that person and their generosity!

You have quite an eclectic shop! Tell us about the style of your work, your favorite pieces to create, etc.
Yes, my shop is very eclectic. Mostly because I have an idea, try it, then come up with a totally different idea! I have a hard time picking one medium... Although, felt is definitely my favorite medium to work with because of the versatility. I love the look of hand-stitching as well. As for style, I love vintage inspired pieces as well as funky, brightly colored pieces. It just depends on what mood I'm in at the time!

Fill in the blanks:
When I'm not busy crafting, I like to... read photography blogs, browse Etsy {of course!} watch movies, shop and... spend time with my husband and Piper, our sweet cat.
(Piper pictured left)

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