Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Rethinking Baby Gifts

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what we buy for our children.  Loads of cheap plastic toys line the shelves of Target and other discount stores calling out to our kids with their bright colors and low prices.  I recently bought a set of doll toys for $20 which included a bed, bouncy seat, car seat, carrier, changing pad and high chair.  Ruby has barely played with it and all the pieces are taking up space in her room.  Over the last few years we have accumulated a lot of toys that she barely plays with and have no aesthetic appeal.  I am starting to think about what I buy for other people when they are expecting or have young children. On Saturday, I went to a baby shower for a friend and I had been saving this vintage set of wooden stacking blocks for her baby since I found out she was pregnant.  I love how well it is made and how timeless it is.  I can't imagine Ruby's doll toys will be as good in 50 years. 

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