Senin, 20 Desember 2010

BCBG Mocha Silk Shirt Dress

Size: XXS
Material: 100% Silk
Length: 33"
Retail: $228, NWT

Buy It Now: $69
S&H: Free
Ends: November 16, 2010; 2:05PM PST (5:05PM EST)

*KNEW* if I waited long enough, one of these suckers in a sz xxs and, just as importantly, in a neutral color would pop up (though my fave in this style was a dark navy, sz m).  Trying to convince myself that this "mocha" is better, though, since:  (1) I prob have some weird attachment to the dark navy solely  because it's the first neutral I saw in this style, aside from blk; (2) dark navy is too close to black of which I have too much; (3) this color is more season-versatile, whereas dark navy is more appropriate for only fall/winter; (4) for some reason, I associate navy with what flight attendants wear; and (5) although this isn't my fleshtone, I've always liked fleshtone colors.  Would like to pay no more than $40, but eBay has made me so jew that I know I would've snapped this up super quickly in the past . . . should I push aside my unrealistic expectations and just buy?

A -- 11/7/10: aaahhh I like everything except the color!  It just seems like a weird in btwn color, you're right, I wish it were lighter.  I would say max at $50 since free shipping, but then you've wanted/looked for a long time.  Altho I must say, it's dangerous to buy something after you've had to "convince" yourself to, esp when it's not like a ten buck dress like the Nell couture one.  Part of me says you've been searching so long, just get it!  But the other part of me says, you've already waited so long, might as well hold out for your ideal.  Haha I'm really no help on this one!

T, 11/7/10:  dude, so I added this to my watch list in the morning today.  In the afternoon, it shows up as "ended," and "relisted," and now has a new end date of November 17, 2010; 4:00PM PST (7:00PM EST) . . . I'm guessing someone bought it so auction ended, but seller has more than one so s/he relisted afterward.  So I check for completed listings, and yeah, it shows as bought.  Maybe that means I should buy.

T, 12/20/10:  saw this dress in person, being sold for $57.  Should've tried it on in person, but it was already so unappealing on the rack, and I was under a timecrunch, that I didn't . . . I'm REALLY glad I didn't buy this online, now, because I would've been uber disappointed when I received it.  Shirt dresses might be one of those items I have to relegate to "reality," as opposed to online, shopping . . . and actually try it on.

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