Minggu, 14 November 2010

BB Dakota Damon Leather Jacket

~$80 from Piperlime
Original Retail: $225 (Fall 2009)

So excited to get/wear this!  I've been seeing ruffly-ish leather jackets recently (including the $845 DVF one on my leather wishlist post), and the other day I saw a girl at the dogpark wearing one, and looking awesome.  Although maybe my opinion was influenced by her superthickandshiny hair.  Either way, seem to be on a nature kick lately - leather, fur, kind of wanting to braid string/feathers into my hair lately too.  Wonder what kind of phase this is...

T, 11/9/10: CONGRATS!!!  When you first sent me the link, and I opened it and only saw the heading (leather jacket) -- I was expecting just that . . . another leather jacket.  But this is amazing/diff/hip/cool/stylish . . . and prob not so t/e that you can wear this for a while.  And speaking of braiding -- at the airport, I saw a girl with a bead at each tip of her bangs, which were braided into small sections . . . it looked kind of ghetto, haha.  In any case, great buy!!!

T, 11/11/10: btw, your jacket reminds me of the "tuxedo jacket" trend fabsugar wrote about:  http://www.fabsugar.com/Tuxedo-Jacket-Trend-11921763

A -- 11/11/10: Yay it's here!!  When I first tried it on I thought it might be too big, even tho it fits perfectly in the shoulders/arms area, but then I realized there are these little ties inside the jacket to keep the waist area fitted.  So when it's tied (you can't really see the ties bc of the ruffles in front) the waist is fitted, and the front is all wavy/ruffly in an awesome way.  More so than in the pic above, bc it kind of waves a couple times, instead of just once in the picture.  So not exactly what I expected, but still pretty awesome.  I will be trying it out outside now! =)

T, 11/11/10: sooo awesome!  Yeah, I saw the txtpic of your arms/shoulders and thought it fitted nicely.  REALLY like it, and glad the unlinedness doesn't feel cheap, which is imp.  Very pretty!

A -- 11/15/10: Love this jacket!! Have been wearing it constantly, got many compliments on it already!  A girl in the D&G store called it a "piece", and then showed me how I could pin it to wear just as a top alone.  LOVE.

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